Mission Statement
We engage, educate, and recognize individuals in Nevada whose service enriches their communities.
Vision Statement
We envision communities where individuals are inspired, motivated, and energized to expand their civic engagement.
Core Values
We honor and recognize, in multi-faceted ways, the contributions of those who participate in, and make contributions to, our organization and the community programs it sponsors.
We commit ourselves to the highest level to motivate and support the enrichment of our communities and eagerly engage in creative, productive, and innovative ways to expand these opportunities.
We inspire individuals to engage as visionary participants and leaders in diverse and positive civic-engagement activities that elevate their communities.
We maintain exemplary ethical standards, in alignment with theĀ PublicServiceNV Mission and Vision Statements, with a commitment to transparency regarding the responsible management of our organization’s policies, practices, actions, and programs, both as an organization and the individuals who serve it.
We affirm the dignity, potential, and contributions of participants, donors, partners, collaborators, and volunteers.